Short-Time Cepstrum Analysis of Speech

  • Step1: Study the cepstrum for different regions (voiced/unvoiced/silence) of the speech signal using the examples provided.

    • Select one of the example audio/waveforms file provided and click on the 'Generate Spectrum' button.

    • Select a short segment (30 ms) of voiced speech and observe the spectrum as well as cepstrum by clicking on corresponding buttons.

    • Perform the experiment for unvoiced (fricatives and stops) and silence regions.

  • Step2: The cepstrum shows a peak at around the time lag corresponding to the pitch period for segments of voiced speech.

    • Measure the pitch period of a voiced segment using the cepstrum.
  • Step3: Deriving source and filter components from cepstrum

    • Select only the first few samples of the cepstrum using 'Zoom to selection' button of the cepstrum section.

    • Observe the 'Liftered Spectrum' to obtain the resonances of the system component.

    • In the cepstrum, select the samples around the peak corresponding to the pitch period and observe 'Liftered Spectrum' to obtain the harmonics corresponding to the source component.

  • Step4: Analyse different sounds for your different voices and study the cepstral features.

  • Step5: Write a brief note on the observations.